Processing of school environment can be done through increased knowledge and ability of students in the management of water, garbage, energy and existing pages around the school.
1. Water Management in School
We can imagine if schools lack clean water! Surely the school get dirty because seldom or never cleaned, the bathroom smell unpleasant and uncomfortable or difficulty when we are going to the LAVATORY. As a result the school environment becomes unhealthy that can interfere with the convenience of learning.
The availability of clean water in schools is indispensable in a number of relatively many. It is given the number of citizens school consisting of students, teachers, and employees can reach hundreds of people. The need for clean water would be a lot more. Types of water needs in schools is to drink, clean the floors, cleaning the TOILETS, washing and watering the plant laboratory equipment.
Clean source of water used for the fulfillment of the needs of the citizens of the school can be derived from water TAPS, dig wells, the well pump, or source of water, which flowed to schools located in the mountains. To reduce the limitations of clean water in schools, can be done by saving efforts through the determination of priorities. For example, clean water is used for drinking and fill the bathtub, while for other purposes such as cleaning TOILETS, floor cleaning and watering the plants use the water coming from the bak-bak rain shelter.
So the school needs to provide hot-tub of rainwater catchment, either in the form of ponds and wells resapan. Source of water filling the pond nor the well resapan preferably derived from the rain water that falls from the roof of a school building or a used water from hand-washing and ablution. Then flowed through the pipes leading to the pond or well resapan, so that the water is still clean, not mixed with mud.
Schools in developed countries generally have a waste water management technologies. Making clean water available to meet the needs of the school do not come from the source, but reusing water already used through waste water technology.
Waste water treatment technology used is certainly very expensive price. Our country has not been able to meet it, let alone held in schools of which there are very many. There is a way to actually cheaper to overcome the limitations of clean water in schools can you guys do. The way is to do a water-saving time usage and always close the tap water in the open so that water is not looks wasted.
2. Waste Management in School
Waste management to take place properly and achieve the desired objectives, then any waste management activities must follow the ways that good and right. What is the importance of waste management in schools? In principle the less and the more near trash managed from the source, then management will be easier and better, as well as the environment affected also the less.
Stages of waste management in schools are:
a. Prevention and reduction of waste from its source. This activity began with the sorting or separation of organic and inorganic provides organic and inorganic trash every school district.
b. utilization of returned waste consists of:
1.1 The utilization of organic waste, such as komposting (composting) garbage that rots easily can be converted into compost environment to preserve the function of the school. Based on research results that by composting organic waste activities compositionally to 70% can be reduced up to 25%.
2.2 Utilization of inorganic waste, either directly or indirectly. Utilization of back directly, such as the making of handicrafts made of used goods, or recycled paper. While the utilization of back indirectly, such as selling used items such as paper, plastic, cans, bottles, paper, glass and bottle drinking water in containers.
3.3 Final waste disposal Sites. The rest of the trash that can't be utilized economically as well as komposting activities of the utilization of inorganic waste, the amount reached + 10% should be dumped into landfills (LANDFILL) in all schools.
In addition to creating a condition of healthy schools, schools must meet criteria including cleanliness and ventilation of the room, the cleanliness of the canteen, TOILETS, bathrooms, wash hands, carry out health services, health education, counseling and management role as well as the community.
3. Energy Management in Schools
Energy use in schools is essential to the learning process can be run well. Energy use in schools usually to illuminate rooms, light goods such as computers and media eletronik learning, drain off water pump etc.
Of public facilities such as schools, let us together take responsibility for keeping and saving at the time of use. Many ways in which you can do in order of energy management in schools, for example through the use of sunlight to illuminate study rooms, libraries, school classrooms; laboratories, etc. Save water consumption due to using electricity, piped off lights still burning during the day. Turn off electronic devices such as computers and TV when not in use.
4. The Management of The School
The school as a place of learning needs to have a clean and healthy environment that created an atmosphere of learning. We can imagine in our schools is dirty and unhealthy, certainly very troubling teaching and learning activities. Make sure you have clean classrooms from garbage, dust and smell unpleasant. Even you can add scent and plant life in a pot.
The school environment clean and healthy is not only in the classroom but also outside the classroom, such as on the page. In addition to the school page of its beauty, will also need to pay attention to health requirements. Unhealthy school page can cause a variety of diseases that cause discomfort to all residents of the school.
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